Приложение 1

Коды основных файлов проекта "My-Line Cruises"

Данное приложение является дополнением к материалу глав, представляющих описание проекта "My-Line Cruises", и предназначено для демонстрации кода основных файлов данного проекта, в частности: main.css,
main_ie.css, main.js, index.cfm, MyHEAD.cfm, BasicBlock.cftn."

Листинг П1.1. Код файла main.css

.dialog {

cursor : hand;

text-decoration : none;

padding : 3px;

font-family : Arial;

font-size : llpx;
.dialog_ {

text-decoration : none;

padding : 3px;

font-family : Arial;

font-size : llpx;
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color : #666699;

font-family : 'Arial';

font-size : 16px;

padding : Opx;

text-decoration : none;

font-weight : bold;
.txt {

color : #000000;

text-decoration : none;

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

runt-family : 'Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size : 15px;
.txtb {

color : #000000;

text-decoration : none;

padding : Opx;

font-weight : bold;

font-family : 'Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size : 15px;

A (color:#122C6D;}
A:hover {color: I3366CC;}
#imgt { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:650; height:99;

#tabml { position:absolute; left:100; top:79; width:500; height:16;

.menact {

color : IFFFFFF;

font-family : 'Arial';

font-size : llpx;

padding : 3px;

text-decoration : underline;

font-weight : bold;
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color : #FFFFFF;

font-family : 'Arial';

font-size : llpx;

padding : 3px;

text-decoration : none;

font-weight : bold;

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color : #4B4558;

font-family : 'Arial';

font-size : llpx;
padding : 3px;
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font-weight : bold;

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color : #4B4558;
font-family : 'Arial';
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padding : 3px;
font-weight : bold;

.titletable {
color : #FFFFFF;
text-decoration : none;
padding : 0px;
font-weight :' normal;

font-family : 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif,
font-size : 12px;

.itemtable {
color : #000000;
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padding : 0px;
font-weight : normal;

font-family : 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif,
font-size : 13px;

.submenl {

color : #FFFFFF;







width: 130;

z-index : 3;

color : #FFFFFF;







width: 80;

z-index : 3;
.FindGo {

color : #FFFFFF;







width: 80;

z-index : 3;

#mm0 { position:absolute; left:-300; top:90; width:.6; z-index:3;}
#tablemmO { background:#605870;}

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#mm6 { position:absolute; left:-300; top:100; width:70; z-index:3;}

#tablemm6 { background:#605870;}

#mm6_l { position:absolute; left:l; top:1;background:#605870;}
#mm6_2 { position:absolute; left:l; top:20;background:#6,05870;}
#mm6_3 { position:absolute; left:l; top:39;background:#605870;}

.smalltxt {
color : Black;
text-decoration : none;

padding : 3px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : "Arial";

font-size : 10px;

text-decoration : none;
.txtForml {

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial;

font-size : llpx;

color : Black;
.txtForm2 {

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial;

font-size : llpx;

color : White;
.txtTab {

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial;

font-size : 10px;

color : Black;
.txtTitleTab {

padding : 0px;

font-weight : bold;

font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial;

font-size : llpx;

color : Black;


.txtError {

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial;

font-size : llpx;

color : Maroon;

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial;

font-size : llpx;

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial;

font-size : llpx;


#hom { position:absolute; left:638; top:81; width:16; height:15;


Itextl { position:absolute; left:50; top:130; width:659; height:10;

Листинг П1.2. Код файла main_ie.css

.title {

color : #666699;

font-family : 'Arial';

font-size : 16px;

padding : Opx;

text-decoration : none;

font-weight : bold;
.txt {

color : #000000;

text-decoration : none;

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : 'Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
font-size : 13px;

.txtb {

color : #000000;

text-decoration : none;

padding : Opx;

font-weight : bold;

font-family : 'Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size : 13px;
.titletable {

color : IFFFFFF;

text-decoration : none;

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size : llpx;
.itemtable (

color : #000000;

text-decoration : none;

padding : 0px;

font-weight : normal;

font-family : 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size : llpx;

Листинг П1.3. Код файла main.js

var ns = (document.layers)? true:false
var ie = (document.all)? true:false
var IDTimer_cir = null;
version = {num:navigator.appVersion};

colorschem =


gm txt deact:'tFFFFFF',


sm_LxL_daact: '#FFFFFF' ,
sm__bg_act: '#4B4558',
menu_bg deact: '#605870'


var IDTimer_m = null;

var irmO = '';

var mml = '';

var mm2 = '';

var mm3 = '';

var mm4 = '';

var mm5 = '';

var mm6 = '';

var activnum = 0;

function init(loadParam){

if (ns) {document.layers['tabml'].top = 76;}
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for (var i=0; i<7; i++) {

linecommand_ = "mm"+i+" = document.layers['mm"+i+"']";

linecommand_topmm = "mm"+i+".top = 100";
eval (linecommand_topinm) ;
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for (var i=0; i<7; i++) {

linecommand_ = "mm"+i+" = document.all['mm"+i+"'].style"


ie5 = (version.num.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0)

if (ie5) {

linecommand_topmm = "mm"+i+".top = 99";
eval (linecommand toprnm) ;

function mouse__over( id, subnum, position)!
if (ie){

if ( !activnum==0) {

linecoimandl =
"document. all [ 'ml_"+activnum+" ' ] . style. color=colorschem.gm_tkt_deact";

Iinecommand2 =

"document. all [ 'ml_"+activnum+" ' ] . style. background=document. all [ 'tdtabml' ]

. style . background" ;

eval (linecommandl) ;

eval (Iinecommand2) ;

document .all [id] . style. color=colorschem.gm_txt_act;
document. all [id] , style. background=colorschem.qm_b«f_act;


if ( !activnum==0) {

linecommafjd = "mm"+activnum+" .left = -300";

eval (linecommand) ;

activnum = subnum;
if ( !position==0) _ {

linecommand = "mm"+activnum+" . left = "+position;

eval (linecommand) ;


function mouse_out (subnum) {
linecommand = "IDTimer_m =

window . setTimeout ( ' tool_goOut_m ( "+subnum+" ) ' , 60 )
eval (linecommand) ;


function MenuOver_menu(name, id){
if (ie) {


clearTimeout(IDTimer m) ;

function MenuOut__menu(name, id, subnum) (
if (ie) {

document. all [name] . style. color=colorschem.sm_txt_deact;
dnrument .all [id] . style. background=colorsch<srn.menu_bg_deact;
linecommand = "lDTimer_m =

window. setTimeouL ( ' tool_goOut_m("+subnum+") ' , 600)
eval (linecommand) ;


function tool_goOut_m( subnum) {

linecommand = "mm"+subnum+" . left = -300";
eval (linecommand) ;
if (ie) {

linecommandl =
"document. all [ 'ml_"+subnum+" ' ] . style. color=colorschem.gm_txt_deact";

linecommand2 =

"document . all [ 'ml_"+subnum+ " ' ] . style. background=document. all [ 'tdtabml '

. style . background" ;

eval (linecommandl) ;
eval (Iinecommand2) ;


function ml_click (Ink) {
window. location. href = Ink;


function OpenWindffile, namewind, t, 1, w, n) {

linecommand = "Variable=window.open ( ' "+file+" ' , ' "+namewind+" ' ,
' top="+t+", left="+l+", width="+w+", height="+h+" ' ) ";
eval (linecommand) ;


function mouse_over_bull (name, parent)!

if (ns) document [parent] .document. images [name] .src="bullet2.gif";
else if (ie) document. images [name] . src="bullet2. gif ";

function mouse_out_bull(name, parent)!

if (ns) document[parent].document.

else if (ie) document.



function del(url) {

_del = self.showModalDialog

("DialogQuestion.cfm?text_=You really

want to delete the current record?", null,





if(_del==true) {

} else {



Листинг П1.4. Код страницы index.cfm



<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="main.css">

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"

src="main. js"></script>
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<! —
ttfotoNY { position:absolute; left:219; top:124; width:431;

height:153; margin:0;z-index:0;}
ftextleft { position:absolute; left:20; top:140; width:200;

height:100; margin:0;z-index:0;)
Itextcentr { position:absolute; left:20; top:300; width:630;

height:100; margin:0;}

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if (ie) {document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"

type="text/css" href="main_ie.ess" title="master">');}



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onMouseOut="mouse_out_bull ( ' bull1 ' , ' textleft ' ) ;
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onMouseOver=" mouse__over_bull ( 'bulll ' , ' textleft ' ) ; "
onMouseOut=" mouse_out_bull ( 'bulll ', 'textleft');"
class="menleft">l-hr Seaport Liberty</a></TD></TR>
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onMouseOver=" mouse_over_bull ( 'bull2 ' , ' textleft ' ) ;
window. status=' 2-hr Semi Circle'; return true"
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onMouseOver=" mouse_over_bull ( 'bull2 ' , 'textleft');"
onMouseOut=" mouse_out_bull ( 'bull2 ' , ' textleft ' ) ; "

class="menleft">2-hr Semi Circle</a></TD></TR>

<TR><TD><a href="SightseeingCruises . cfm#3"

onMouseOver=" mouse_over_bull ( 'bul13' , 'textleft' ) ;
window. status=' 3-hr Full Island'; return true"
onMouseOut="mouse_out_bull ( 'bull3' , 'textleft' ) ;
window. status=' '; return true" class="menleft">

<IMG name="bul!3" src="bullet.gif ' width="20" height="20"

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onMouseOver=" mouse_over_bull( 'bull3', 'textleft1 ) ;"

onMouseOut=" mouse_out_bull ( 'bul13' , 'textleft' ) ; "
class="menleft">3-hr Full Island</a></TD></TR>
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onMouseOver=" mouse_over_bull ( 'bull4 ' , ' textleft ' } ;
window. status=' 2 -hr Harbor Lights Evening'; return true"
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onMouseOver=" mouse_over_bull ( 'bull4 ' , 'textleft' ) ; "
onMouseOut=" mouse_out_bull ( 'bull4 ' , ' textleft ' ) ; "
ciass="menleft">2-hr Harbor Lights Evening</a></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><a href="SpecialEvents . cfm"

onMouseOver=" mouse_over_bull ( ' bullS ' , ' textleft ' } ;
window. status=' Special Events'; return true"
onMouseOut="mouse_out_bull ( 'bull5 ' , ' textleft ' ) ;
window. status=' '; return true" class="menleft">
<IMG name="bull5" src="bullet .gif " width="20" height="20"

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onMouseOver=" mouse_over_bull ( 'bull5' , 'textleft' ) ; "
onMouseOut=" mouse_out_bull ( 'bull5 ', 'textleft');"
class="menleft">Special Events</a></TD></TR>


<DIV id="textcentr">

<TABLE border="0" width="610" cellspacing="0">

<TD class="title" colspan="2" align="center">

New York's BEST Sightseeing and Entertainment Cruises<brxbr>



<TD class="txt" colspan="2" align="center">

Whether you are exploring New York for the first time,
rediscovering your hometown or seeking a mini-vacation,
a My Line cruise ia a relaxing and fun way to see 11ш
world's most famous skyline.


<TABLE border="0" width="610" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<TR><TD colspan="2" bgcolor="#122c6d" height=l></TD></TR>

<TABLE border="0" width="610" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">

<TD colspan="2" class="smalltxt" align="center">

<br>There the data of Circle-Line Cruises company are used

(usage is authorized&nbsp;

<a href="mailto:Ruben@ipr . ru">Ruben Akhayan</a>) <br>



Листинг П1.5. Код страницы MyHEAD.cfm

<meta name="GENERATOR" content="ColdFusion Studio">
<meta name=i "Author" content="Ruben Akhayan">
<meta http-equiv="Description" content="My-Line Cruises ">
<meta http-equiv="Keywords" content="Cruises">
<title>My-Line Cruises</title>

Листинг П1.6. Код страницы BasicBlock.cfm

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#FindBlock {position:absolute; left:165; top:12; width:300;

height:20; margin:0;z-index:2;}


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function SiteFind() {

if (ie) var textF = document. FindForm.TextFind. value;

else var textF =

document . layers [ ' FindBlock ' ] .document. FindForm.TextFind. value;
if (textF=="") {

alert ('No text Find');
} else {

eval ("self .location. replace ( 'Find. cfm?criterion="+textF+" ' ) ") ;




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<p><IMG name="imgt_" src="title.gif " border="0"x/p>


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value="<CFIF isDef ined ( ' URL . Criterion ' ) >
<CFOUTPUT>#URL.Criterion#</CFOUTPUTX/CFIF>" size="20">
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onMouseOver="MenuOver_menu ('iml_l', 'iml_l') ;

window. status=' Sightseeing Cruises^' ;
return true"
onMouseOut="MenuOut_menu('mnl_l','iranl_l', 1);

window.status='';return true"
class="submenl">&nbsp;Sightseeing Cruises</a>
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onMouseOver="MenuOver__menu('ranl_2', 'mml_2 ');
window.status='Harbor Lights Evening';
return true"
onMouseOut="MenuOut_menu('mnl_2', 'mml_2', 1);

window.status=''; return true"
class="submenl">&nbsp;Harbor Lights Evening</a>
<TR><TD id="iml_3"xa href ="SpecialEvents. cfm" name="mnl_3"

onMouseOver="MenuOver_menu('ranl_3', 'mml_3');

window.status='Special Events'; return true"
onMouseOut="MenuOut_menu('mnl_3', 'raml_3', 1);

window.status=''; return true"
class="submenl">Snbsp;Special Events</a>

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onMouseOver="MenuOver_menu('mn6_l', 'mm6_l');

window.status='General Info1; return true"

onMouseOut="MenuOut_menu('mn6_l', 'mm6_l', 6);

window.status=''; return true"
class="submen2">&nbsp;General Info</a>
<TR><TD id="nim6_2"><a href="mailto:SalesSmyline.com" name="mn6_2"

onMouseOver="MenuOver_menu('mn6_2', 'mm6_2');

window.status='Group Sales'; return true"
onMouseOut="MenuOut_menu('mn6_2', 'mm6_2', 6);

window.status' ' ''; return true"
class="submen2">6<nbsp; Group Sales</a>

<TR><TD id="mm6_3"Xa href ="mailto:WebMaster@myline.com" name="mn6_3"

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window.status='Web Master'; return true"
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window.status=''; return true"
class="submen2">&nbsp;Web Master</a>



<CFSET LineMemo0='<TD width="6" align="center">
<a href-" Index. cfm" id="ml_0" class="men"

onMouseOver-" mouse_over ( ' & chr(39) & 'ml_0' & chr(39) & ', 0, 0) ;
window. status=' & chf(39) & 'Home' & chr(39) & ' ; return true" ,

onMouseOut=" mouse out (0 ) ; wi ndow. statns= ' & chr(39) & chr{39) & ';

return true"

onClick="ml_click( ' & chr{39) & 'Index. cfm' & chr(39) & ' ) ; ">&laquo;

<CFSET LineMenul= ' <TD width="80" align="center">
<a href="Cruises.cfm" id="ml_l" class="men"

onMouseOver=" mouse_over ( ' & chr(39) & 'ml_l' & chr(39) & ' , I, 135);
window. status=' & chr(39) & 'Cruises' & chr(39) & '; return true"
onMouseOut=" mouse_out (1) /window. status=' & chr(39) & chr(39) & ';

return true"

onClick="ml_click( ' & chr(39) & 'Cruises .cfm' & chr(39) & ' ) ; ">Cruises

<CFSET LineMenu2='<TD width="80" align="center">
<a href="Schedules .cfra" id="ml_2" class="men"
onMouseOver=" mouse_over ( ' & chr(39) & 'ml_2' & chr(39) S ', 2, 0) ;

window. status=' & chr(39) & 'Schedules' & chr(39) & ' ; return true"
onMouseOut=" mouse_out (2) , -window. status=' & chrf^S) & chr(39) & ';
return true" onClick="ml_click ( ' & chr{39) & ' Schedules .cfm' &

chr(39) & ' ) ;">Schedules</a></TD>'>
<CFSET LineMenu3= ' <TD width="80" align="center">
<a href="Guidance.cfm" id="ml_3" class="men"
onMouseOver=" mouse_over ( ' & chr(39) & 'ml_3' & chr(39) & ', 3, 0) ;

window. status=' & chr(39) & 'Guidance' & chr(39) & '; return true"
onMouseOut=" mouse_out (3) ; window. status=' & chr(39) & chr(39) & ';

return true" onClick="ml_click ( ' & chr(39) & 'Guidance. cfm' &
chr(39) & ') ;">Guidance</ax/TD>'>

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<a href ="BuyTickets. cfm" id="ml_4" class="men"
onMouseOver="mouse_over ( ' & chr(39) & 'ml_4' & chr(39) & ', 4, 0) ;

window. status=' & chr(39) & 'Buy Tickets' & chr(39) &

return true"
onMouseOut=" mouse out (4) ; window. status=' & chr(39) & chr(39) & ';

return true"

onClick="ml_click(' & chr(39) & 'BuyTickets.cfm' & chr(39) & ');">
Buy Tickets</a></TD>'>

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<a href="CityMap.cfm" id="ml_5" class="men"
onMouseOver=" mouse_over(' & chr(39) & 'ml_5' & chr(39) & ', 5, 0);

window.status=' & chr(39) & 'City Map' & chr(39) & '; return true"
onMouseOut=" mouse_out(5);window.status=' & chr(39) & chr(39) & ';

return true" onClick="m1_click(' & chr(39) & 'CityMap.cfm' &
chr(39) & ') ;">City Map</a></TD>'>

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<a href="ContactUs.cfm" id="ml_6" class="men"
onMouseOver=" mouse_over(' & chr(39) & 'ml_6' & chr(39) & ', 6, 541);

window.statu5=' & chr(39) & 'Contact Us' & chr(39) & '; return true"
onMouseOut=" mouse_out(6)/window.status=' & chr(39) & chr(39) & ';

return true",ondick="ml__click

(' & chr(39) & 'ContactUs.cfm' &
chr(39) & ') ;">Contact Us</ax/TD>'>

<CFCASE VALUE="/MyLineCruises/Index.cfm">

<CFSET LineMenu0='<TD width="6" align="center">

<a class="men">&nbsp; &nbsp;</a></TD>'>

<CFCASE VALUE="/MyLineCruises/



<CFSET LineMenul='<TD width="80" align="center">

<a href="Cruises.cfm" id="ml_l" class="menact"

onMouseOver=" mouse_over(' & chr(39) &

'ml_l' & chr(39) & ', 1, 135);

window.status=' & chr(39) & 'Cruises' &

chr(39) & '; return true"
onMouseOut=" mouse_out(1);window.status='

& chr(39) & chr(39) & ';

return true" onClick="ml_click(' & chr(39)

& 'Cruises.cfm' &
chr(39) & ') ;">Cruises</ax/TD>'>


<CFCASE VALUE="/MyLineCruises/Schedules.cfm">

<CFSET LineMenu2='<TD width="80" align="center">

<a class="menact">Schedules</a></TD>'>
<CFCASE VALUE="/MyLineCruises/Guidance.cfm">

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